Finicky Fillys Love Natural Plan Stomach Soother

TC Rain on the House by TracySweetKeenNatural Plan Stomach Soother will keep ’em from painting the stalls!”

I was kinda horrified when I found out what “painting the stalls” meant.  I had never heard it put that way.  But whatever you call it, diarrhea is a terrible thing.  Not only is it messy and gross, but it causes a lot of other problems, everything from dehydration to the scalding of their hind legs.

Foal scours brought on by weaning are especially vexing ’cause you know it’s coming.  When mama’s milk changes, the hormones cause mama to begin weaning the foal and it’s these hormones that cause the diarrhea.  Natural Plan Stomach Soother may help stop this cycle.  About a week before, begin the foal on NPSS, or if that’s not practical, dose at the first sign of loose stools.

Here Are Just Some of the Comments About Natural Plan Stomach Soother

“…I do know that horses who tend to stay on the Natural Plan Stomach Soother for 6 to 8 weeks no longer exhibit signs associated with ulcers.”

Donald Kiefer, DVM from Virginia

Natural Plan Stomach Soother

Papaya For Horses – Great for Digestion

Natural Plan Stomach Soother is very palatable and effective in horses with mild to moderate gastric ulcer / digestive upset symptoms consisting of poor appetite for grain, mild depression or irritability and sporadic belching or toothing grinding.  Documented rapid relief within three to five days.

Horse Journal magazine article: “Ulcers:  Weighing Risks v. Over-the-Counter Treatments”

“I ended up talking again to the girl at the tack/feed store I go to about how it might be an ulcer and getting more Ulcergard.  She talked about how it is so expensive and suggested that I try this (Natural Plan) Stomach Soother and that she had good reports from people that were using it for horses on the track.  Thanks for a great product – it worked!”

Kathy W. by email

Natural Plan Stomach Soother has been a HUGE part of our racing stable since I discovered your product while working at the Breeder’s Cup World Championships at Churchill Downs.  The first morning I gave it to her, she was drinking better after she galloped, cleaned up her lunch, and cleaned up her supper…. She put on weight, filled out, dappled out, and was a picture of health.

Danielle G. from Indiana

We recommend Natural Plan Stomach Soother for both large and small animal patients when they have digestive disturbances, stomach upset.”

Judith Shoemaker, DVM

Natural Plan Stomach Soother has always been a good seller ever since we discovered it back in 2004!  Customers like having a natural alternative to ulcer meds and they keep coming back for more.”

Ronnie Zito, Tri-County Tack store in Virginia

LikeYouOnlyPrettier Gets Her Good Looks from the Inside Out with Natural Plan Stomach Soother


LikeYouOnlyPrettier Gets Her Good Looks from the Inside Out with Natural Plan Stomach Soother

LikeYouOnlyPrettier was drinking better after she galloped, cleaned up her lunch and cleaned up her supper. Thank you for such a great product (Natural Plan Stomach Soother).

Older Horses Benefit from Natural Plan Stomach Soother

Mary T. wrote to us recently about her friend, a Quarterhorse named Fred.  He’s a lucky old guy, and not just because he was rescued, but because he was rescued by someone who truly cared about him and would work until she found the right solutions for her horse’s issues.  Below is the letter she sent us, telling us about Fred and Natural Plan Stomach Soother.

Natural Plan Stomach Soother has Older Horses Feeling Great

Older horses sometimes have stomach issues – they can be helped with Natural Plan Stomach Soother – papaya for horses

“It is past time for me to write about how Stomach Soother has helped my QH horse Fred. Fred is 30 or 31, was rescued in 2007 from a starvation situation and clearly has had abuse in his past. I adopted him in the fall of 2008. In the summer of 2009 he started having excess water in his stools and what I named “wet farts” – where he sprayed watery poo into his tail and down his buttocks. A lot of work to keep him clean and comfortable. It was episodic, but became worse in 2010. I tried a lot of different products – including four weeks of Gastrogard – but nothing really stopped the problem permanently. (I also switched alfalfa pellets to grass pellets – the alfalfa seems to aggravate the problem.)

I learned about Stomach Soother and started him on it mid-2012, twice a day in his mash. His issues cleared up in four weeks! I decided a few weeks ago to take him off and see if it made any difference. In three days of no Stomach Soother, his appetite was down and there was suddenly a lot of undigested hay fiber in his manure. That did it. He will be on Stomach Soother for life, it clearly helps him in many ways. (PS: He has Cushings syndrome, diagnosed in 2010, and is on Prascend – but no one thinks he looks like a Cushings horse, including the vet, he feels good, and keeps up with an 11-year-old warmblood during turnout.)

Thanks for making such a great product!”

Thanks Mary for telling us how Natural Plan Stomach Soother helped your Quarterhorse friend, Fred.

Natural Plan Stomach Soother Soothes Cribbing, Saves a Horse

We are always humbled when a customer writes or tells us how Natural Plan Stomach Soother has helped their horse.  These are living beings, and if NPSS has played even a small role in their well-being, we are proud to have done so.

Candy G. wrote to tell us how Natural Plan Stomach Soother helped “Zak”.

Papaya for Horses does a Stomach Good!

Papaya for Horses does a Stomach Good!

“”Zak” is an AQHA, 13-year old gelding who has been a serious cribber most of his life.  I bought him when he was 4 years old, he is now 13.  He came with a cribbing collar, but he cribbed anyway and I think they are brutal, so I stopped using it.  Hew was an awesome show horse, but we sold in in June of 2002.  During his stay with us, he suffered acute kidney failure, which we brought him through.  With his new owners, he suffered a serious suspensory ligament tear.  We got him back in February of 2008 and was cribbing worse than ever.  We sold him again to what thought was an excellent home in June, 2008.

On October 23, 2009, we was dumped here at 9 pm.  He was horribly thin and his top incisors were gone from cribbing.  We were going to put him down.  I decided to try the Natural Plan Stomach Soother ™.  In two to three days, he had stopped cribbing except for about 2 cribs right after he ate his grain.  Now, three weeks into treatment, he has stopped cribbing completely.

For the first time since I met Zak, he can stand quietly in a stall or pen and be at rest, not hooked to a board, gate or his grain dish.  He is relaxed.

This horse used to crib while he ate, after eating, and all the time in between.  Thank you Natural Plan Stomach Soother!  Zak thanks you too!”

“He is a horrible cribber…

“He is a horrible cribber, but your your product (Natural Plan Stomach Soother) has made a big difference in him!”

Kristen R. of West Nyack, New York wrote:

“This is the love of my life…Geoffrey!

Geoffrey's Cribbing was helped with Natural Plan Stomach Soother

Geoffrey’s Cribbing was helped with Natural Plan Stomach Soother

I bought him as a 3 year old and he came with the LOVELY cribbing issue!  I thought since he was young I could get rid of it.  WELL…he is a horrible cribber, but your product (Natural Plan Stomach Soother) has made a big difference in him!  I no longer hear the gurgling in his esophagus!  He is also more relaxed and comfortable!  Keep up the good work and keep the Natural Plan Stomach Soother coming!  Geoffrey and I BOTH thank you!”

Natural Plan Stomach Soother Has Been a HUGE Part of Our Racing Stable…

Papaya for Horses

Natural Plan Stomach Soother does a stomach good!

Danielle G.-B. wrote to tell us how Natural Plan Stomach Soother has helped her and her horse.  She writes,

“Natural Plan Stomach Soother has been a HUGE part of our racing stable since I discovered your product while working at The Breeder’s Cup World Championships at Churchill Downs last November.  I work for Bob Baffert when he comes to the Midwest to run horses and they had been given a tub of samples of different products.  I told him I had a problem horse that was a cribber, a bad eater, and just overall a nervous filly.  He said, “Well, take the sample of Natural Plan Stomach Soother that’s in the tub and try it out.” The first morning I gave it to her, she was drinking better after she galloped, cleaned up her lunch, and cleaned up her supper.  I was SHOCKED to say the least.  She put on weight, filled out, dappled out, and was a picture of health.  She didn’t make it to the races last year because I wasted so much time trying to get her healthy, when all I had to do was give her your product!  We just started training again in preparation for the Spring Meet at Indiana Downs and Churchill.  I am going to order a case of (Natural Plan) Stomach Soother and give it to all our horses.  Thank you so much for a great product.  Attached is a photo of me galloping the filly you helped.  She is a 3 year old thoroughbred named LikeYouOnlyPrettier.  Watch for her this year at the track!”

“I’ve just re-ordered another case of Natural Plan Stomach Soother…”


“I’ve just re-ordered another case of Natural Plan Stomach Soother…”

“I’ve just re-ordered another case of Natural Plan Stomach Soother.  I am telling everyone I know about your product.  I race Arabians and our trainer’s vet put a 4-year-old filly of ours who had been sick and lost weight all last race season (being on an ulcer med as well) and even through winter, on this product (after also doing chiropractic adjustment to her neck).

smallSquared Girl Dog Horse w logos copyThis filly went from being depressed, hardly eating and never cleaning her food up to aggressively training; eating breakfast, lunch and dinner and looking for more.  The weight is coming back fast.  She comes to the front of her stall and is looking to train now.

I also put a yearling filly I have at home on it at the same time.  She had bouts of colic since 6 months of age…unusual for a weanling and even though she held weight she was quiet and rough coated and just not thriving like the other two.  I put her on this and “immediately” she ate her night’s meal without stopping.  She is eating with gusto ever since and her attitude is like a different yearling completely.  This stuff is a miracle.  I can’t tell enough people about it.

It’s so nice to find a product that really does what it says it will do.

Thank You.”

Kathryn S.

MoKee Arabians, Britton Michigan

Soothing Stomachs Since 2004!

There are many digestive remedies available today, but unfortunately they’re expensive, cause undesirable side effect or aren’t allowed in competitions.  Natural Plan Stomach Soother is economical, has no known side effects and doesn’t test in competitions.  It has a sweet, fruity flavor that can be used to camouflage the taste of other medicines or supplements.  You won’t have to struggle to give them their doses – they consider it a treat!

Natural Plan Stomach Soother will help your horse or other animal friend with their digestive issues – naturally and for less.  Kathryn S. reported, “I had a yearling filly that had bouts of colic since 6 months of age.  Even though she held weight, she was quiet, rough coated and just not thriving like the others.  I put her on (Natural Plan) Stomach Soother ™ and immediately she ate her night meal without stopping.  She is eating with gusto ever since and her attitude is like a different yearling completely.  It’s nice to find a product that really does what it says it will do.”

For some horse owners, their digestive issues appear as ulcers or ulcer-related.  Their horses eat, maintain weight for the most part, but just seem to be “off”.  Dr. Madalyn Ward, noted holistic equine veterinarian has had success using Natural Plan Stomach Soother.  “Cooper” was a horse with suspected ulcers that showed significant results once started on Natural Plan Stomach Soother.  Dr. Ward reported, “Cooper stopped biting at his side within a few days of starting Stomach Soother, his shoulder tightness improved and he was able to lift his withers.  We weren’t convinced that our happy, well-managed cold could have horse ulcers, so we stopped the Stomach Soother after 1 bottle.  Guess what, the biting and shoulder stiffness returned within a week.  After 3 attempts to discontinue the Natural Plan Stomach Soother, we realized the horse ulcers were real and something we would need to address long term.”  Luckily for them, Natural Plan Stomach Soother can be used long term with no side effects or rebound syndrome.

Digestive issues can also appear as not eating, picky eating, not-so-picky eating and problems maintaining weight.  Feeding is one of the most basic things we can do to care for someone and when you have problems with it – it’s troubling to say the least.  NPSS helps by soothing the digestive tract so that their appetite can come back naturally and the nutrients from their food can be absorbed.  The digestive tract can lose functionality when inflamed or stressed.  This can prevent nutrients, medications and supplements from being absorbed.  This leads to a vicious circle of more expensive feeds, more medications, more supplements.  Many customers appreciate our natural, single ingredient product that gets to the heart of the matter – allowing the digestive process to work the way it is supposed to.
