Cats Can Benefit from Natural Plan Stomach Soother

We love hearing from our customers – they’re the ones who help us spread the word about a natural, affordable product that can soothe stomachs without side effects.

Louisa B. wrote us to say, “I’m pleased to report that our Tonkinese is doing quite well on his Natural Plan Stomach Soother ™ regimen and that he is no longer on Metronidazole. At my vet’s suggestion, we are adding a “pinch” of powdered Tylan to his daily dose of stomach Soother and the results are even firmer stools. Great news for all of us! I am really impressed with the success I have had using Natural Plan Stomach Soother on my cats.”

Cats' hairballs can be helped with Natural Plan Stomach Soother

Feline digestion benefits from papaya

Dina C. needed help with cat’s appetite. She wrote, “Greetings! I just  wanted to tell you that Natural Plan Stomach Soother has helped my little cat, Bailey! She has an appetite now and has put on some weight. Previously, she would eat a little bit of food and vomit. I have been giving her Natural Plan Stomach Soother for a little over a week and she has not vomited since! Her coat feels better, her eyes are bright and she is much more playful (like she used to be). I couldn’t be more happy with the results. Next time I speak to the vet, I will definitely tell her about your product! I will definitely be a repeat customer. Thanks so much for saving my kitty.”

The papain in the papaya helps a cat better digest their high protein diet, not to mention all the incidental hair they eat while grooming themselves. Owners have reported not only better digestion, but fewer hairballs and/or less stress during the coughing up of hairballs.

The dosage for cats would be 1/4 to 1/2 ounce twice per day, before meals if possible. Cats don’t always agree though, so if that’s the case, then mixing it in their food is a good alternative. The new, 2 oz. size is perfect for cats as it provides eight 1/4 ounce doses or four 1/2 ounce doses.

Kitty Cats Helped by Natural Plan Stomach Soother – Eases Vomiting, Helps with Weight

You know Natural Plan Stomach Soother works on horses, but did you know it can also help cats?  A cat’s digestion needs to be in top form due to its high protein diet.

A high protein diet makes it a little tougher on the digestive system, just like people – imagine how you sometimes feel after a big steak!  Digesting that protein easily is crucial to getting the health benefits from the protein.   A healthy cat is looks good, with clear eyes and a shiny coat and in good spirits.  Problems with digestion often manifest in other bodily systems.  Your cat might start losing weight, get a scraggly coat, act lethargic or maybe they’ll develop diarrhea and vomiting.  Vets are now understanding how important the digestive system is to cats (and just about anything with a stomach for that matter!)

The digestive tract, like ours, starts with the mouth and ends, well, you know, the end.   A cat’s digestive system is in always working to make sure they get all the nutrition they can from their diets to ensure their health.  If a cat is fed too many processed snacks, along with their high-protein diet and ingestion of hair – well, you can imagine why their digestive tract could use some help.
The papaya in Natural Plan Stomach Soother has been specially processed to keep as much of the beneficial qualities of the fruit.  These enzymes help break down proteins and may aid in their digestive processes.  Louisa B. reports that her Tonkinese is “doing quite well on his Natural Plan Stomach Soother regimen and he is no longer on Metronidazole.  I am really impressed with the success I have had using Stomach Soother on my cats!”   She reports that her cat has firmer stools and is no longer throwing up hairballs as much.
Sometimes when the digestive tract isn’t at it’s optimum, cats can lose their appetite.  This can be very distressing to cat owners, watching their cats waste away.  Dina C. wrote to us to say, “Greeting Tim!  I just wanted to tell you that Natural Plan Stomach Soother has helped my little Bailey!  She has an appetite now and has put on some weight.  Previously, she would eat a little bit of food and vomit.  I have been giving her Natural Plan Stomach Soother for a little over a week and she has not vomited since!  Her coat feels better, her eyes are bright and she is much more playful (like she used to be).  I couldn’t be more happy with the results.  Next time I speak to the vet, I will definitely tell her about your product.  I will definitely be a repeat customer.”
When you have the option of using expensive medications made from compounds of stuff, or using an afforable, natural single fruit based product, why wouldn’t you try the less aggressive way first?  Sometimes medications are needed, but why not give them the chance to deal with the underlying issue – good digestion, as opposed to dealing with the symptoms bad digestion causes.
Check out Natural Plan Stomach Soother for yourself and see how it can help your feline friend.