Natural Plan Stomach Soother reviewed by Horse Journal in 2005 & 2012


What a long way we’ve come!  The prestigious Horse Journal in March of 2005 published an article about horse ulcers.  At that time, there was still much debate as to whether or not all horses even had ulcers in the general horse community.  The Horse Journal article did a lot to explain and educate people on the symptoms, signs and  treatments  of horse ulcers and stomach issues.  At that time, they reviewed 19 products, Natural Plan Stomach Soother being one of them.

Their bottom line was that they preferred U-gard Solution.  However, they found “similar rapid results were obtained with (Natural Plan) Stomach Soother”.  Their point of difference at the time was that U-gard was less expensive.  We’d like to point out however, that the cost is negligible when you consider that you may have to use 4 oz. per dose as opposed to 2 oz..  Also, considering that long-term use of calcium & magnesium (the other guy’s active ingredients) has negative side effects, while NPSS has none, the choice is clear.

At that time, in 2005, the Horse Journal listed 19 remedies.  When they published an update on this subject, in June of 2012, only 12 were listed.  And of these 12, only 3 are from the original 19 remedies that were listed back in 2005.  Natural Plan Stomach Soother is one of them (the others being the Pro-CMC & U-gard).  Entering our 10th year of business, we feel blessed to be one of oldest branded alternative digestive remedy on the market.  Our customers find rapid relief for their horses from the discomfort of ulcers, diarrhea, weaning and more.  They appreciate the fact that they can mix other medications like Bute into our tasty Natural Plan Stomach Soother and not have their horse spit out the medication or suffer side effects such as digestive discomfort from antibiotics.

We love the fact that so many horses (and some owners!) have tried our product and have found it useful.  They’ve informed us about uses beyond our initial scope – such as using it for dogs, cats, llamas and alpacas.  Our customers have told us that it’s made their horse calmer or happier.  Travel weary customers have tried it on themselves and let us know how good it made their stomach feel.


“I am SO impressed with your Stomach Soother!”

“I am so impressed with your (Natural Plan) Stomach Soother!

Soothing Stomachs Since 2004

Soothing Stomachs Since 2004

I’m the caretaker of a wonderful 30+ year old horse who has numerous issues but a great attitude.  About 10 days ago he developed horrible diarrhea (looser than cow pies).  He appeared to feel fine and was behaving normally except for the diarrhea.  I put him on Natural Plan Stomach Soother and within 24 hours he had his first slightly formed stool in over a week.  By the next day, his stools were perfectly normal.

Thank you for a great product with no bad side effects!

Robin B.


Ghost Returns to Glory with Natural Plan Stomach Soother

“”Ghost” is a five-year-old off the track thoroughbred by the popular thoroughbred race stallion, “Two-Punch”.

Stomach Soother helped this horse

Ghost loves Natural Plan Stomach Soother

When Ghost was finished racing his owner decide she wanted to see if Ghost could be retrained to be a rideable horse that she could pleasure ride and occasionally horse show.  Ghost was fresh off the track, and initially we thought that his short attention span, extreme sensitivity to leg pressure, and his rearing & bucking were all due to his level of fitness.  We introduced him to turn-out time in lush pastures, and set very small daily goals.  After a month or two, it became obvious that Ghost had completely adjusted to his new barn life and turn out schedule, but his personality under tack seemed to indicate he was unhappy about something.  We suspected ulcers, and so we talked to the owner about starting him on Natural Plan Stomach Soother.  Not only did Ghost love the taste of the product, within one week we noticed a huge difference under tack.  Ghost seemed to be able to tolerate longer training sessions, and all the bucking & rearing stopped.  Much to our delight, Ghost participated in a horse show that was held at the farm where we was boarded and he placed in all three of the classes he was entered in.  Needless to say, we couldn’t have been any happier than if we were at the racetrack watching him win a race!  Natural Plan Stomach Soother is a great product, not only because it is affordable and horses love it… but it works!  Ghost says “Thank You!”

Many times, horses that seem to be grumpy or disagreeable are actually just expressing discomfort.  Think of a time your stomach hurt – you probably weren’t at your best, most charming self.  Same for horses.  Owners report having happier horses – many call it the “Happy Juice”.  We agree.

Papaya may help the horse’s digestive system get back on track because of its enzymes.  These enzymes are what helps a horse digest their food, form better stools and get relief from gas, digestive issues and diarrhea.  Natural Plan Stomach Soother has helped thousands of horses feel better, act better and perform better.

Here Are Just Some of the Comments About Natural Plan Stomach Soother

“…I do know that horses who tend to stay on the Natural Plan Stomach Soother for 6 to 8 weeks no longer exhibit signs associated with ulcers.”

Donald Kiefer, DVM from Virginia

Natural Plan Stomach Soother

Papaya For Horses – Great for Digestion

Natural Plan Stomach Soother is very palatable and effective in horses with mild to moderate gastric ulcer / digestive upset symptoms consisting of poor appetite for grain, mild depression or irritability and sporadic belching or toothing grinding.  Documented rapid relief within three to five days.

Horse Journal magazine article: “Ulcers:  Weighing Risks v. Over-the-Counter Treatments”

“I ended up talking again to the girl at the tack/feed store I go to about how it might be an ulcer and getting more Ulcergard.  She talked about how it is so expensive and suggested that I try this (Natural Plan) Stomach Soother and that she had good reports from people that were using it for horses on the track.  Thanks for a great product – it worked!”

Kathy W. by email

Natural Plan Stomach Soother has been a HUGE part of our racing stable since I discovered your product while working at the Breeder’s Cup World Championships at Churchill Downs.  The first morning I gave it to her, she was drinking better after she galloped, cleaned up her lunch, and cleaned up her supper…. She put on weight, filled out, dappled out, and was a picture of health.

Danielle G. from Indiana

We recommend Natural Plan Stomach Soother for both large and small animal patients when they have digestive disturbances, stomach upset.”

Judith Shoemaker, DVM

Natural Plan Stomach Soother has always been a good seller ever since we discovered it back in 2004!  Customers like having a natural alternative to ulcer meds and they keep coming back for more.”

Ronnie Zito, Tri-County Tack store in Virginia

Natural Plan Stomach Soother Soothes Cribbing, Saves a Horse

We are always humbled when a customer writes or tells us how Natural Plan Stomach Soother has helped their horse.  These are living beings, and if NPSS has played even a small role in their well-being, we are proud to have done so.

Candy G. wrote to tell us how Natural Plan Stomach Soother helped “Zak”.

Papaya for Horses does a Stomach Good!

Papaya for Horses does a Stomach Good!

“”Zak” is an AQHA, 13-year old gelding who has been a serious cribber most of his life.  I bought him when he was 4 years old, he is now 13.  He came with a cribbing collar, but he cribbed anyway and I think they are brutal, so I stopped using it.  Hew was an awesome show horse, but we sold in in June of 2002.  During his stay with us, he suffered acute kidney failure, which we brought him through.  With his new owners, he suffered a serious suspensory ligament tear.  We got him back in February of 2008 and was cribbing worse than ever.  We sold him again to what thought was an excellent home in June, 2008.

On October 23, 2009, we was dumped here at 9 pm.  He was horribly thin and his top incisors were gone from cribbing.  We were going to put him down.  I decided to try the Natural Plan Stomach Soother ™.  In two to three days, he had stopped cribbing except for about 2 cribs right after he ate his grain.  Now, three weeks into treatment, he has stopped cribbing completely.

For the first time since I met Zak, he can stand quietly in a stall or pen and be at rest, not hooked to a board, gate or his grain dish.  He is relaxed.

This horse used to crib while he ate, after eating, and all the time in between.  Thank you Natural Plan Stomach Soother!  Zak thanks you too!”

“He is a horrible cribber…

“He is a horrible cribber, but your your product (Natural Plan Stomach Soother) has made a big difference in him!”

Kristen R. of West Nyack, New York wrote:

“This is the love of my life…Geoffrey!

Geoffrey's Cribbing was helped with Natural Plan Stomach Soother

Geoffrey’s Cribbing was helped with Natural Plan Stomach Soother

I bought him as a 3 year old and he came with the LOVELY cribbing issue!  I thought since he was young I could get rid of it.  WELL…he is a horrible cribber, but your product (Natural Plan Stomach Soother) has made a big difference in him!  I no longer hear the gurgling in his esophagus!  He is also more relaxed and comfortable!  Keep up the good work and keep the Natural Plan Stomach Soother coming!  Geoffrey and I BOTH thank you!”

Little Dogs Get BIG Benefits from Natural Plan Stomach Soother


Little Dogs Get BIG Benefits from Natural Plan Stomach Soother

This little guy loves his Natural Plan Stomach Soother.

Natural Plan Stomach Soother can help your dog friend with stomach issues like gassiness, diarrhea and nausea. Always Made in the USA.

Help Gas Colic, All-over Gassiness with Natural Plan Stomach Soother

Gas colic is a very common reason for horses to show signs of abdominal pain.  They may be grumpy, bloated, and not eager to be under tack.  While some people may not consider gas colic a “serious” condition, it can be very problematic on a daily basis.

Although it is often extremely difficult to pinpoint the cause for the gas colic; limited turn out time, stress, and any number of other reasons have been found to add to the gas colic.  You might be tempted to reach for a pharmaceutical – like an acid stopper or blocker, but then you also get side effects.  It’s like trading one problem for another.

Catherine K. sent us an email telling us her story with her horse and gas colic.

Catherine Ki.'s Thoroughbred Horse & Dog Love Natural Plan Stomach Soother

Natural Plan Stomach Soother works for equine & canine stomachs


“This stuff is amazing!  My 24-year-old Thoroughbred is down with gas colic several times during the winter/spring season change.  She just simply stops drinking water when the days are warm but the nights are still very cold (below 30 degrees).  Since I’ve been using Natural Plan Stomach Soother ™, the hasn’t been down once, and we are still having 65-70 degree days and freezing nights.  I started giving it to my 26-year-old Appaloosa, too, as she has gas problems all the time, although she has never been down with colic.  Since she’s been on it, I’ve noticed a great change in the amount of gas she is passing – almost none, which tells me her digestive system is working more efficiently.  This stuff is great!  I’m ordering more today.  I’ve told all my horse-owner friends about it and they are amazed at the difference it has made in my horses.  I will continue to sing your praises as long as you keep making this stuff.”

Many times the symptoms of gas pain and ulcer pain are the same – stomach issues, attitude issues, weight issues.  Remember it’s called a digestive system – when one part of the digestive tract is in trouble, it often shows up as a variety of symptoms – diarrhea, lack of appetite, gassiness, grouchiness, etc.  It’s important to be able to find a product that is natural and treats both the symptoms and the underlying cause – all with no side effects.

Lindsay B. of Feather Oaks Farms in Tallahassee, Florida wrote to tell us:

“Hey there Natural Plan Stomach Soother!  I have a 7 year old Dutch Warmblood mare named Kimber located in Tallahassee, Florida.  I got her when she was 5 and was told that she was an easy keeper.  That was the understatement of the century!  Not only is she not an easy keeper, but she was a cribber, frequent colic patient, multiple stomach problems, and well on her way to major ulcers.  After taking her to the vet and having her stomach scoped they told me that the acid in her stomach was not emptying fast enough.  My only option according to the vet was an expensive course of a prescription drug that they use to treat ulcers.  At $1,500.00 a month, this was NOT an option for me.

After many long hours of research, I came across your product in a feed store in Ocala, Florida.  The sales clerk saw me reading every stomach product label and she approached me about Natural Plan Stomach Soother.  I bought my first 10 bottles right there and then.

After about 3 days on Natural Plan Stomach Soother, my horse quit cribbing, and she went from a once a week colic to feeling wonderful!  Her energy level went up and her working drive went through the roof.  She was getting along with horses in the pasture, licked her feed bucket clean everyday, and was loving life!

I am a firm believer that Natural Plan Stomach Soother not only saved my wallet, but saved my horse’s life!  Thank you for all that you do.  I would not still have her today if it wasn’t for the affordable and miraculous option you offer!

Here are some videos from the first show after Kimber was on Natural Plan Stomach Soother!  We won EVERY class…dressage, jumping, high point!  What an amazing day!”

Natural Plan Stomach Soother Has Been a HUGE Part of Our Racing Stable…

Papaya for Horses

Natural Plan Stomach Soother does a stomach good!

Danielle G.-B. wrote to tell us how Natural Plan Stomach Soother has helped her and her horse.  She writes,

“Natural Plan Stomach Soother has been a HUGE part of our racing stable since I discovered your product while working at The Breeder’s Cup World Championships at Churchill Downs last November.  I work for Bob Baffert when he comes to the Midwest to run horses and they had been given a tub of samples of different products.  I told him I had a problem horse that was a cribber, a bad eater, and just overall a nervous filly.  He said, “Well, take the sample of Natural Plan Stomach Soother that’s in the tub and try it out.” The first morning I gave it to her, she was drinking better after she galloped, cleaned up her lunch, and cleaned up her supper.  I was SHOCKED to say the least.  She put on weight, filled out, dappled out, and was a picture of health.  She didn’t make it to the races last year because I wasted so much time trying to get her healthy, when all I had to do was give her your product!  We just started training again in preparation for the Spring Meet at Indiana Downs and Churchill.  I am going to order a case of (Natural Plan) Stomach Soother and give it to all our horses.  Thank you so much for a great product.  Attached is a photo of me galloping the filly you helped.  She is a 3 year old thoroughbred named LikeYouOnlyPrettier.  Watch for her this year at the track!”

Cats Can Benefit from Natural Plan Stomach Soother

We love hearing from our customers – they’re the ones who help us spread the word about a natural, affordable product that can soothe stomachs without side effects.

Louisa B. wrote us to say, “I’m pleased to report that our Tonkinese is doing quite well on his Natural Plan Stomach Soother ™ regimen and that he is no longer on Metronidazole. At my vet’s suggestion, we are adding a “pinch” of powdered Tylan to his daily dose of stomach Soother and the results are even firmer stools. Great news for all of us! I am really impressed with the success I have had using Natural Plan Stomach Soother on my cats.”

Cats' hairballs can be helped with Natural Plan Stomach Soother

Feline digestion benefits from papaya

Dina C. needed help with cat’s appetite. She wrote, “Greetings! I just  wanted to tell you that Natural Plan Stomach Soother has helped my little cat, Bailey! She has an appetite now and has put on some weight. Previously, she would eat a little bit of food and vomit. I have been giving her Natural Plan Stomach Soother for a little over a week and she has not vomited since! Her coat feels better, her eyes are bright and she is much more playful (like she used to be). I couldn’t be more happy with the results. Next time I speak to the vet, I will definitely tell her about your product! I will definitely be a repeat customer. Thanks so much for saving my kitty.”

The papain in the papaya helps a cat better digest their high protein diet, not to mention all the incidental hair they eat while grooming themselves. Owners have reported not only better digestion, but fewer hairballs and/or less stress during the coughing up of hairballs.

The dosage for cats would be 1/4 to 1/2 ounce twice per day, before meals if possible. Cats don’t always agree though, so if that’s the case, then mixing it in their food is a good alternative. The new, 2 oz. size is perfect for cats as it provides eight 1/4 ounce doses or four 1/2 ounce doses.