Here Are Just Some of the Comments About Natural Plan Stomach Soother

“…I do know that horses who tend to stay on the Natural Plan Stomach Soother for 6 to 8 weeks no longer exhibit signs associated with ulcers.”

Donald Kiefer, DVM from Virginia

Natural Plan Stomach Soother

Papaya For Horses – Great for Digestion

Natural Plan Stomach Soother is very palatable and effective in horses with mild to moderate gastric ulcer / digestive upset symptoms consisting of poor appetite for grain, mild depression or irritability and sporadic belching or toothing grinding.  Documented rapid relief within three to five days.

Horse Journal magazine article: “Ulcers:  Weighing Risks v. Over-the-Counter Treatments”

“I ended up talking again to the girl at the tack/feed store I go to about how it might be an ulcer and getting more Ulcergard.  She talked about how it is so expensive and suggested that I try this (Natural Plan) Stomach Soother and that she had good reports from people that were using it for horses on the track.  Thanks for a great product – it worked!”

Kathy W. by email

Natural Plan Stomach Soother has been a HUGE part of our racing stable since I discovered your product while working at the Breeder’s Cup World Championships at Churchill Downs.  The first morning I gave it to her, she was drinking better after she galloped, cleaned up her lunch, and cleaned up her supper…. She put on weight, filled out, dappled out, and was a picture of health.

Danielle G. from Indiana

We recommend Natural Plan Stomach Soother for both large and small animal patients when they have digestive disturbances, stomach upset.”

Judith Shoemaker, DVM

Natural Plan Stomach Soother has always been a good seller ever since we discovered it back in 2004!  Customers like having a natural alternative to ulcer meds and they keep coming back for more.”

Ronnie Zito, Tri-County Tack store in Virginia

Cats Can Benefit from Natural Plan Stomach Soother

We love hearing from our customers – they’re the ones who help us spread the word about a natural, affordable product that can soothe stomachs without side effects.

Louisa B. wrote us to say, “I’m pleased to report that our Tonkinese is doing quite well on his Natural Plan Stomach Soother ™ regimen and that he is no longer on Metronidazole. At my vet’s suggestion, we are adding a “pinch” of powdered Tylan to his daily dose of stomach Soother and the results are even firmer stools. Great news for all of us! I am really impressed with the success I have had using Natural Plan Stomach Soother on my cats.”

Cats' hairballs can be helped with Natural Plan Stomach Soother

Feline digestion benefits from papaya

Dina C. needed help with cat’s appetite. She wrote, “Greetings! I just  wanted to tell you that Natural Plan Stomach Soother has helped my little cat, Bailey! She has an appetite now and has put on some weight. Previously, she would eat a little bit of food and vomit. I have been giving her Natural Plan Stomach Soother for a little over a week and she has not vomited since! Her coat feels better, her eyes are bright and she is much more playful (like she used to be). I couldn’t be more happy with the results. Next time I speak to the vet, I will definitely tell her about your product! I will definitely be a repeat customer. Thanks so much for saving my kitty.”

The papain in the papaya helps a cat better digest their high protein diet, not to mention all the incidental hair they eat while grooming themselves. Owners have reported not only better digestion, but fewer hairballs and/or less stress during the coughing up of hairballs.

The dosage for cats would be 1/4 to 1/2 ounce twice per day, before meals if possible. Cats don’t always agree though, so if that’s the case, then mixing it in their food is a good alternative. The new, 2 oz. size is perfect for cats as it provides eight 1/4 ounce doses or four 1/2 ounce doses.

Soothing Stomachs Since 2004!

There are many digestive remedies available today, but unfortunately they’re expensive, cause undesirable side effect or aren’t allowed in competitions.  Natural Plan Stomach Soother is economical, has no known side effects and doesn’t test in competitions.  It has a sweet, fruity flavor that can be used to camouflage the taste of other medicines or supplements.  You won’t have to struggle to give them their doses – they consider it a treat!

Natural Plan Stomach Soother will help your horse or other animal friend with their digestive issues – naturally and for less.  Kathryn S. reported, “I had a yearling filly that had bouts of colic since 6 months of age.  Even though she held weight, she was quiet, rough coated and just not thriving like the others.  I put her on (Natural Plan) Stomach Soother ™ and immediately she ate her night meal without stopping.  She is eating with gusto ever since and her attitude is like a different yearling completely.  It’s nice to find a product that really does what it says it will do.”

For some horse owners, their digestive issues appear as ulcers or ulcer-related.  Their horses eat, maintain weight for the most part, but just seem to be “off”.  Dr. Madalyn Ward, noted holistic equine veterinarian has had success using Natural Plan Stomach Soother.  “Cooper” was a horse with suspected ulcers that showed significant results once started on Natural Plan Stomach Soother.  Dr. Ward reported, “Cooper stopped biting at his side within a few days of starting Stomach Soother, his shoulder tightness improved and he was able to lift his withers.  We weren’t convinced that our happy, well-managed cold could have horse ulcers, so we stopped the Stomach Soother after 1 bottle.  Guess what, the biting and shoulder stiffness returned within a week.  After 3 attempts to discontinue the Natural Plan Stomach Soother, we realized the horse ulcers were real and something we would need to address long term.”  Luckily for them, Natural Plan Stomach Soother can be used long term with no side effects or rebound syndrome.

Digestive issues can also appear as not eating, picky eating, not-so-picky eating and problems maintaining weight.  Feeding is one of the most basic things we can do to care for someone and when you have problems with it – it’s troubling to say the least.  NPSS helps by soothing the digestive tract so that their appetite can come back naturally and the nutrients from their food can be absorbed.  The digestive tract can lose functionality when inflamed or stressed.  This can prevent nutrients, medications and supplements from being absorbed.  This leads to a vicious circle of more expensive feeds, more medications, more supplements.  Many customers appreciate our natural, single ingredient product that gets to the heart of the matter – allowing the digestive process to work the way it is supposed to.


“…let me tell…


“…let me tell you that Natural Plan Stomach Soother was really a God send for my horses and got us through some hard time when the Rx would not help AT ALL….” Pao P.

Our customers are our biggest promoters – we appreciate each and every one.

Can I Use Something Other Than Pharmaceuticals to Prevent Gastric Ulcers? Answer: Papaya!

This was published by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Equine Extension Specialist, Rutgers Cooperative Extension and reviewed by Shari C. Silverman V.M.D., Senior Veterinarian, Division of Animal Health, New Jersey Department of Agriculture

Can I use something other than pharmaceuticals to prevent gastric ulcers?

My 20 year old horse has colicked 6 times over the last year. He has responded well to pharmaceutical treatment the last three times. We assume that his colic is due to ulcers and have since added oil, beet pulp, and lots of alfalfa to his diet and put him on a daily 1/4 tube of a pharmaceutical treatment. He seems to have bloomed both with muscle and coat since we’ve made the changes (and no more colic – fingers crossed). While I’m relieved and pleased with the results, the cost is killing me. Are there any other ways of dealing with his ulcer issues?

The cost of pharmaceutically treating and preventing ulcers is considerable! However, with some horses there is no alternative treatment. You might consider trying papaya supplementation, although there is no research supporting its efficacy against ulcers in horses. Some people feed papaya pills (the human variety) to their horses, others try the pulp, and some give a whole fruit a day.

Stress is a very common cause of ulcers. One management practice you can employ to reduce stress is to keep ulcer-prone horses outside as much as possible. This is the best way to decrease their stress. Some horses can develop ulcers as soon as 24 hours after being stalled if they are used to being kept outside.

Another cause of ulcers is excess gastric acid in the stomach. Unlike humans, horses produce gastric acid 24 hours a day, not just when eating. Feeding hay free choice will help buffer gastric acid. Alfalfa hay has been shown to have good buffering ability due to its high calcium content; however, you do not want to feed free choice alfalfa. Continue feeding “lots of alfalfa,” but make sure the rest of the hay in the diet is good quality grass hay. Try these management changes once the horse is clear of ulcers, as he might not want to consume free choice hay if he currently has ulcers.

Decreasing any other stressors affecting your horse would also help. Once you have taken steps to reduce his stress, try implementing some of these changes and see if they help with decreasing the severity or incidence of ulcers. These changes should be made after consulting with your veterinarian and discussing the risk factors in discontinuing the pharmaceutical treatment.

Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Equine Extension Specialist, Rutgers Cooperative Extension and reviewed by Shari C. Silverman V.M.D., Senior Veterinarian, Division of Animal Health, New Jersey Department of Agriculture.

PapayaforHorses here – try natural before you try expensive meds!