Papaya for Ponies – A Natural Plan for Health with Natural Plan Stomach Soother

Angus the pony is just beautiful, you couldn’t tell by looking at him that he’s battling Cushings.  Cushing’s disease is a problem with the pituitary gland.  This gland is the hormone  center where they are made and released into the body.  This gland has a great deal of control over body functions.  Cushing’s is this center gone haywire – it won’t turn off.
As a result, this pituitary gland can grow and become pre-tumor, or even tumor cells that can put pressure on the brain which obviously will lead to various problems.  One is that this gland many times affects the adrenal glands.  These adrenal glands are stimulated by the extra hormones and  then the horse over produces cortisol.  Cortisol, that same cortisol that is so bad for humans does horses no favors either.

One of the standard pictures of a horse with Cushing’s would be hairy and thin.  They often have a weak immune system which puts them at risk for a variety of maladies.  They are often very low-energy, tend to run hot and therefore drink (then urinate) excessively.  They may also have fertility problems.

Michele R. writes about her pony Angus, and his struggle with Cushing’s and what she did to help Angus.

“My senior pony, Angus, who has had a complicated battle with Cushing’s, has been on your product for a month and it has saved his life, I am sure!  I have struggled in the past year with Vet bills, diet, ulcer medications, changes in his Cushing’s meds, and a variety of other things.  He had completely stopped eating at one point, which was sheer terror for me.  I was watching my sweet pony waste away.  Since he has been taking Natural Plan Stomach Soother, he has FINALLY started eating his feed straight through without a pause!  I am so thrilled with your product!  I just can’t thank you enough.  Many, many thanks!”

Michele found a way to help one of the major problems Cushing’s causes, making it hard for a horse or pony to keep weight on.  The calories need to be good ones, and diet is crucial.  Many people find success using pelleted feeds or feeding orchard or timothy hays.  Sugar levels need to be watched too.  Natural Plan Stomach Soother is low in sugar (4 grams of sugars per dose) and helps maintain weight.

Finicky Filly Flourishes, Crowned Champion on Natural Plan Stomach Soother ™


Traveling is stressful, for you, for your horse – being in a trailer, hauled across many miles, that’s not natural for a horse and it can cause problems for you.  First – just loading a horse can be stressful and then when you get to your location, there can be a mess for you to deal with and the horse might go off its feed.  Not a good situation since you’re probably traveling to show your horse, compete with your horse, or possibly sell your horse.  Having them show up in poor condition is not what you want – you want them to load easily, unload a horse without diarrhea, and have them eat at their new location – you need to Get on the Plan!

Tracy K. from Arcadia, Florida sent us the following email:

“I was introduced to Natural Plan Stomach Soother ™ by an e-group friend who sells horse products.  I was looking to purchase a another product for my weanlings that I was hauling to Iowa from SW Florida.  She recommended Natural Plan Stomach Soother instead.  My weanlings, particularly the filly, Lady of the House, were stressed from weaning and being off their feed.  48 hours after being placed on Natural Plan Stomach Soother and they were both eating everything in site…particularly the finicky filly who had two futurities to show in Des Moines, Iowa in October.  Wonder of wonders, she shipped well…even taking a nap when we did by laying down in her box stall on the trailer.  On October 4, 2010, after a 1,500 mile ride and after only being weaned for two weeks, she was crowed Mid West POA Futurity Filly Champion in Des Moines, Iowa.

I truly believe that Natural Plan Stomach Soother is what kept her eating and doing well for a whole 10 days on the road.  Thanks again for a great product that actually does what it says it is going to!”