Papaya for Ponies – A Natural Plan for Health with Natural Plan Stomach Soother

Angus the pony is just beautiful, you couldn’t tell by looking at him that he’s battling Cushings.  Cushing’s disease is a problem with the pituitary gland.  This gland is the hormone  center where they are made and released into the body.  This gland has a great deal of control over body functions.  Cushing’s is this center gone haywire – it won’t turn off.
As a result, this pituitary gland can grow and become pre-tumor, or even tumor cells that can put pressure on the brain which obviously will lead to various problems.  One is that this gland many times affects the adrenal glands.  These adrenal glands are stimulated by the extra hormones and  then the horse over produces cortisol.  Cortisol, that same cortisol that is so bad for humans does horses no favors either.

One of the standard pictures of a horse with Cushing’s would be hairy and thin.  They often have a weak immune system which puts them at risk for a variety of maladies.  They are often very low-energy, tend to run hot and therefore drink (then urinate) excessively.  They may also have fertility problems.

Michele R. writes about her pony Angus, and his struggle with Cushing’s and what she did to help Angus.

“My senior pony, Angus, who has had a complicated battle with Cushing’s, has been on your product for a month and it has saved his life, I am sure!  I have struggled in the past year with Vet bills, diet, ulcer medications, changes in his Cushing’s meds, and a variety of other things.  He had completely stopped eating at one point, which was sheer terror for me.  I was watching my sweet pony waste away.  Since he has been taking Natural Plan Stomach Soother, he has FINALLY started eating his feed straight through without a pause!  I am so thrilled with your product!  I just can’t thank you enough.  Many, many thanks!”

Michele found a way to help one of the major problems Cushing’s causes, making it hard for a horse or pony to keep weight on.  The calories need to be good ones, and diet is crucial.  Many people find success using pelleted feeds or feeding orchard or timothy hays.  Sugar levels need to be watched too.  Natural Plan Stomach Soother is low in sugar (4 grams of sugars per dose) and helps maintain weight.

Stall Bound for 8 Months, Mulder Makes It Back Under Saddle with Natural Plan Stomach Soother ™

There are a lot of reasons you might need to put your horse on stall rest – injury, recuperation from surgery, illness.  Any you may not know the unintended consequences of stall rest.

Your horse may develop stomach issues that can appear as cribbing, lack of appetite, diarrhea, weight loss and more.  Put that on top of the original issue for the stall rest and you and your horse aren’t feeling great.  The reasons these symptoms appear is pretty straightforward.  A horse is meant to be a grazing animal – they secrete stomach acid on a continuous basis to digest what they are grazing on.  But when a horse is put on stall rest, grazing is just not possible and they are fed their meals.  While this satisfies the caloric needs of the horse, it does no favors to their digestive systems.

Many people then turn to expensive medications to turn off the natural process of acid secreting but aren’t satisfied by the results.  What to do?

Tiffany R. wrote us and told us how she handled her horse Mulder’s stall rest for 8 months without any stomach issues.

She writes,

“I am writing to let everyone know what a great product Natural Plan Stomach Sootheris!  My event horse Mulder was stricken with a rare bone infection in his shoulder at the height of his competitive career.  The road to a concrete diagnosis took us through 7 vets and two clinics before he was diagnosed with an infection that impacted his bone and tendon.  Desperate to save his life, I attacked the situation with all that I had – both conventionally and unconventionally.  As most of us know, when a horse has to be stall bound for 8 months – stomach issues can ensue.

Mulder was immediate put on Natural Plan Stomach Soother and he was kept on it during the entire duration of his rehabilitation.  Not only would he try to eat the syringe as I squirted the contents into his feed, but he also never had any stomach problems during his stall confinement!  I use NPSS now on all of my horses – before competitions, trailering or even when they get a little girthy before a ride.  It is an amazing product that shows amazing results time and time again.

Mulder is back under saddle now doing flatwork and polework.  I don’t know what his future will hold as far as riding and competition, but what I do know is I have a sound, healthy and absolutely happy horse once again!  Thank you Natural Plan Stomach Soother for all the support you have given us!”

Mulder is a lucky horse that he had an owner that knew how to proactively treat her horse as opposed to reacting to stomach problems later.  It’s said often because it’s true – an ounce of prevention (in this case 60 cc’s of Natural Plan Stomach Soother) is worth a pound of cure.    Find out how others are using Natural Plan Stomach Soother to treat a variety of issues with their horses and other animals by visiting