MiniHorseFeathers & Natural Plan Stomach Soother – Similar Values are Shared by both Companies

mini horse feathers Loves Stomach SootherMarsha Hamilton from is passionate about a lot of things.  Mini-horses, horses, and business are just some of them.  Which obviously is why she runs which is a specialty tack & supply online retailer.  We were speaking the other day and she was telling me about their new “Show Shammie”, which helps keep mini-horses warm and not catch a chill, and that the idea came to her from seeing a little horse shiver at a show & realizing that they are athletes and athletes have specialized fabrics and construction to help wick sweat, regulate temperature, etc.

The reason I’m telling you is that to me, it’s another example of looking past “how things have always been done” and doing something new.  She was enthused to come up with a solution to a problem.  She’s representative of a lot of Natural Plan Stomach Soother customers.  Usually when horses get ulcers – medications are purchased and used, and side-effects dealt with.  But our customers sought out something new – and in Natural Plan Stomach Soother’s case, something old & new!  Old, because papaya has been used for centuries as a digestive aid and new, because thinking outside the box is what got us to think about using papaya for horses.

Marsha also does what a lot of our customers do, she tells other people and shares what she’s learned.  Imagine if all new ideas were not shared – boo.  She was telling me about how she told her trainer about NPSS and that she used it when trailering her mini’s – either to a new home or to a show.  She also told me she know of several riders who drink it themselves when they’re nervous at a show or just not feeling that great after traveling.  In fact, she tells us, she tells EVERYONE about our product.  We of course love it, because it’s our customers’ testimonials that have kept us soothing stomachs since 2004.

When we started out, we focused solely on horses.  It’s been our customers that have helped us branch out to the canine, feline, bovine, and camelid market.  (Camelid – fancy for llamas & alpacas – and I would imagine camels………)  They’ve told us that not only did Stomach Soother help with ulcer and digestive issues – it was also helpful in giving meds.  Some have gotten their horses NOT to be afraid of syringes with it.  Others have told us they use it as a “happy juice” when their horse seems off – whether to grief, stress or new surroundings.

Marsha Hamilton from was the one to tell me about mini’s particular needs.  She ought to know – she and her sister joined forces and talents to establish a very special store offering the best in miniature horse and miniature donkey tack and supplies.  They carry unique products and you will discover new possibilities, all creatively designed and customized by people who love mini horses and everything about them.  That’s why Natural Plan Stomach Soother is so happy when we can get such kind words from such knowledgeable people.


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